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Quick Start

These are quick setup instructions for running each of the GenoPipe modules "out-of-the-box" using the provided pre-generated sacCer3 and hg19 reference files. For more details on customizations or reading reports, check out the module-specific pages (EpitopeID, DeletionID, and StrainID)

Download & Dependencies

To download GenoPipe, you can clone the repository or directly download the code. No builds needed.

# Download GenoPipe
cd /User/joeschmoe/Desktop
git clone

Make sure all dependencies are installed by referenceing each module's dependency guide:

You could create a conda environment of all the dependencies together:

conda create -n genopipe-env -c bioconda -c conda-forge bedtools bowtie2 bwa perl numpy scipy pysam wget samtools

ENCODE example (human)

Say we performed some K562 ChIP-seq for an eGFP epitope-tagged strain and we want to validate that the cell line background is K562 (StrainID) and that the epitope correctly targeted the DDX20 gene (EpitopeID). For this exercise, we will be pulling data files from the ENCODE experiment ENCSR978IXJ including the raw FASTQ files and the BAM files downstream in the processing pipeline.

Get data & set-up GenoPipe

For this example, we are working from the /User/joeschmoe/Desktop directory on some Linux/MacOS machine. Run the following code to set-up your input/output directories and download data from ENCODE.

# Make input directories
[ -d hg19_FASTQ ] || mkdir hg19_FASTQ
[ -d hg19_BAM ] || mkdir hg19_BAM

# Download hg19 eGFP tagged strain test files
wget -c -O hg19_FASTQ/ENCSR978IXJ_R1.fastq.gz
wget -c -O hg19_FASTQ/ENCSR978IXJ_R2.fastq.gz

# Download hg19 ENCODE-CellLines test files
wget -c -O hg19_BAM/ENCSR978IXJ.bam

# Make output directories
[ -d hg19_epitopeid_reports ] || mkdir hg19_epitopeid_reports
[ -d hg19_strainid_reports ] || mkdir hg19_strainid_reports

# Download hg19 genome & move it to EpiID db directory
cd GenoPipe/EpitopeID/utility_scripts/genome_data
mv genome.fa* ../../hg19_EpiID/FASTA_genome/

Run EpitopeID

Execute the shell script to run EpitopeID - make sure to use absolute paths

cd /User/joeschmoe/Desktop/GenoPipe/EpitopeID
bash -t 4 \
-i /User/joeschmoe/Desktop/hg19_FASTQ \
-d /User/joeschmoe/Desktop/GenoPipe/EpitopeID/hg19_EpiID \
-o /User/joeschmoe/Desktop/hg19_epitopeid_reports

Your output should look something like this

EpitopeID   EpitopeCount
LAP-tag 48

GeneID EpitopeID EpitopeLocation EpitopeCount pVal
DDX20|chr1:112298190-112310199 LAP-tag C-term 5 5.582970412927705e-20

Run StrainID

Execute the shell script to run StrainID - make sure to use absolute paths

cd /User/joeschmoe/Desktop/GenoPipe/StrainID
bash \
-i /User/joeschmoe/Desktop/hg19_BAM \
-g /User/joeschmoe/Desktop/GenoPipe/EpitopeID/hg19_EpiID/FASTA_genome/genome.fa \
-v /User/joeschmoe/Desktop/GenoPipe/StrainID/hg19_VCF \
-o /User/joeschmoe/Desktop/hg19_strainid_reports \

Your output should look something like this

A549.vcf -3.231404275463283
HCT116.vcf -2.1269379376931563
HELA.vcf 0.10841794080447699
HepG2.vcf -0.5427718460680672
K562.vcf 5.683476830951074
LnCap.vcf -2.342453230210475
MCF7.vcf NaN
SKnSH.vcf -1.481786644732225

Final Directory Structure

Your directory structure after running the above should look like:

| |--EpitopeID
| | |--...
| |--DeletionID
| | |--...
| |--StrainID
| | |--...
| |--ENCSR978IXJ_R1.fastq.gz
| |--ENCSR978IXJ_R2.fastq.gz
| |--ENCSR978IXJ.bam
| |

ChIP-exo example (yeast)

Say we performed some ChIP-exo for an TAP epitope-tagged strain and we want to validate that the background is BY4741 (StrainID) and that the yeast strain was constructed from a Leu2, Ura3, and Met17 whole-gene knockout background (DeletionID). For this exercise, we will be pulling BAM data files from the Yeast Epigenome Project.

Get data & set-up GenoPipe

For this example, we are working from the /User/joeschmoe/Desktop directory on some Linux/MacOS machine. Run the following code to set-up your input/output directories and download data from ENCODE.

# Make input directories
[ -d sacCer3_BAM ] || mkdir sacCer3_BAM

# Download sacCer3 BAM files from The Yeast Epigenome Project
wget -c
mv 12467_YEP/12467_filtered.bam sacCer3_BAM/12467_Reb1_i5006_BY4741_-_YPD_-_XO_FilteredBAM.bam

# Make output directories
[ -d sacCer3_strainid_reports ] || mkdir sacCer3_strainid_reports
[ -d sacCer3_deletionid_reports ] || mkdir sacCer3_deletionid_reports

# Download sacCer3 genome & move it to EpiID db directory
cd GenoPipe/EpitopeID/utility_scripts/genome_data
mv genome.fa* ../../sacCer3_EpiID/FASTA_genome/

Run StrainID

Execute the shell script to run StrainID - make sure to use absolute paths

cd /User/joeschmoe/Desktop/GenoPipe/StrainID
bash \
-i /User/joeschmoe/Desktop/sacCer3_BAM \
-g /User/joeschmoe/Desktop/GenoPipe/EpitopeID/sacCer3_EpiID/FASTA_genome/genome.fa \
-v /User/joeschmoe/Desktop/GenoPipe/StrainID/sacCer3_VCF \
-o /User/joeschmoe/Desktop/sacCer3_strainid_reports \

Your output should look something like this:

BY4741.gatk.vcf 3.740238715171018
BY4742.gatk.vcf 1.0276164735202507
CEN.PK2-1Ca.gatk.vcf -1.5516470878685054
D273-10B.gatk.vcf -1.596023423608337
FL100.gatk.vcf -0.05547786250012817
JK9-3d.gatk.vcf -1.2626920465354035
RM11-1A.gatk.vcf -1.5472519963103177
SEY6210.gatk.vcf 1.233358965759852
Sigma1278b-10560-6B.gatk.vcf -1.5683632971271528
W303.gatk.vcf -0.8350038260150588
Y55.gatk.vcf -2.254742786500095

Run DeletionID

cd /User/joeschmoe/Desktop/GenoPipe/DeletionID
bash \
-i /User/joeschmoe/Desktop/sacCer3_BAM \
-d /User/joeschmoe/Desktop/GenoPipe/DeletionID/sacCer3_Del \
-o /User/joeschmoe/Desktop/sacCer3_deletionid_reports

Your output should look something like this:

LEU2    No Data Detected
URA3 No Data Detected
MET17 No Data Detected

Final Directory Structure

Your directory structure after running the above should look like:

| |--EpitopeID
| | |--...
| |--DeletionID
| | |--...
| |--StrainID
| | |--...
| |--12467_Reb1_i5006_BY4741_-_YPD_-_XO_FilteredBAM.bam
| |

More examples

To demonstrate the utility of EpitopeID in another practice exercise, you can try re-running EpitopeID after downloading the following FASTQ files. What do the reports suggest about these two samples from ENCSR130PDE and ENCSR005NMT?

# ENCODE's NR4A1-eGFP ChIP-seq
wget -c -O hg19_FASTQ/ENCFF671VDI_R1.fastq.gz
wget -c -O hg19_FASTQ/ENCFF671VDI_R2.fastq.gz

# ENCODE's ID3-eGFP ChIP-seq
wget -c -O hg19_FASTQ/ENCFF548RTA_R1.fastq.gz
wget -c -O hg19_FASTQ/ENCFF548RTA_R2.fastq.gz

To demonstrate the utility of StrainID in another practice exercise, you can try re-running StrainID after downloading the following BAM files. What do the reports suggest about these two samples that may have been generated in the same batch (from ENCSR210RWL and ENCSR927XBT)?

# Two of ENCODE's shRNA knockdown RNA-seq datasets, both processed on 2016-04-14
# HepG2
wget -c -O hg19_BAM/ENCFF492NHB.bam
# K562
wget -c -O hg19_BAM/ENCFF745DNT.bam