EpitopeID identifies and determines the genomic location of epitopes or other inserted sequences relative to genomic loci.
bash -i /path/to/FASTQ -o /path/to/output -d /path/to/genome/database [-t <Threads - Default 1>] [-p <Pvalue - Default 0.05>]
eg: bash -i /input -o /output -d /sacCer3_EpiID -t 2 -p 0.1
The following dependencies are needed to run EptiopeID.
- Anaconda
- Singularity
You can install these dependencies as a conda environment if you have conda setup on your machine using the following command:
conda create -n epitopeid-env -c bioconda -c conda-forge bedtools bowtie2 perl scipy pysam wget grep samtools
...and then turn on the environment with:
conda activate epitopeid-env
Definition files coming soon